Strengthening Communities Through Mentoring: one relationship at a time

Our Program Sponsors

We are thankful for the many local businesses and individuals who have chosen to support Partners for Schools and the Be The One mentoring program as they understand the powerful social, economic and personal benefits of effective engagement that strengthens kids and schools.  Communities that effectively promote thriving kids, healthy families and strong schools with their time and resources create a vibrant economy that benefits everyone.  Lift up the next generation—we will never regret it.

We at Enfield Farms are excited and proud to support the future of our community through the Be The One mentoring program.  We believe it is important to help guide and encourage these kids along the way and this program does just that.

– Andy Enfield –

Our Program Sponsors

Our Program Sponsors are key to our program. They have all given a 3 or more year commitment to support us!

Partners & Donors

We have many people that contribute monthly in various amounts. These donations have a huge impact on our program. We also have donors that give a one-time gift of various amounts.

Ready to support mentoring in our local schools?

Our Uncorked & Uncapped Sponsors

Our Septemberfest Sponsors