Strengthening Communities Through Mentoring: one relationship at a time

Nooksack Valley High School – February 2024

Mentor Coordinator Report

Number of Current Matches: 22

Loving the new games that were donated to NVSD BTO! Thank you donors.

Several students in BTO made it to state for wrestling!  Amazing accomplishments for which their mentors cheered them on.  One mentor drove 3 hours one way to watch her student compete. Some of our BTO athletes don’t have family/friends/supporters in the stands due to a variety of reasons (parent work schedules, different priorities, not a “popular” sport, etc) so, to have mentors stand in that place is amazing! Another mentor drove to the Tacoma Dome to watch his mentor wrestle and place at state (see photo below)!

Stories & Quotes To Share:

One of our mentees had a hard conversation with a friend, that consisted of “I want to remain friends, I am not mad at you, and I need our friendship to look different because of XYZ”. A staff member happened to overhear the conversation and was impressed by the maturity of the conversation. all thanks to the support through and practice with of her mentor.

For Christmas a mentor had given each student in her small group the game they play religiously. The first week back from break, I sat and played the game with the small group. It was so obvious that the girls had gotten better at the game, so I asked them if they had practiced over break. And they all said they played the game with their family and cousins. I love that the students taught the game to their family members, which deepens those connections by sitting in a space together.

Submitted by Lauren Olson –