Strengthening Communities Through Mentoring: one relationship at a time

Mentors Lives Changed Too

Many times we focus on the student stories and forget that mentors lives are changed, too. Mentors learn through interactions, experiences, and on-going training we provide, as shown in these emails I received.

That was a great meeting this morning, very useful as we interact in many relationships! I wish I would have had even that much training for other mentoring I have done!
-New Mentor after attending our 2 hour Training and Orientation

I really enjoyed the class you facilitated with Brian. With my unique life experience and situations I thought I already knew SO MUCH about this topic. I brought home NEW INFORMATION and skills from this training. I was so happy I took the time to take the class. It was SO WORTH IT !!!!
-Community Member, youth worker who attended YMHFA Training

–Lisa Reynolds, Lynden High School Mentor Coordinator