Strengthening Communities Through Mentoring: one relationship at a time

Lynden Middle School – December 2021 – Coordinator Report

Stories to Share

Lots of Matches this Month

The mentoring program has been booming here at the middle school. We have seven new matches this past month alone, and now we have 23 pairs total! Six of those pairs were matched in one single day! This is great progress, considering we only had eight pairs at the beginning of the school year. We are also having a steady flow of new mentors signing up to help and they are being matched almost immediately. We still have a high demand for mentors because students are eager to connect with someone.

Two Think Alike

This month, a mentor brought a special gift for her student, and lo and behold …the mentor and student must think alike. I am so proud of our mentors. They truly care about their students and always show kindness! Thank you mentors. You’re so great!

Mentoring by the Numbers at LMS

  • 23 active matches at the middle school
  • 7 new matches made in the month of December
  • 4 Students on our wait list, waiting for a mentor
  • 21 potential students interested in the program or referred by staff
  • 1 pair connected to our program through Kids Hope.
  • 148 hours of mentoring this school year

Program Update

  • We had our second new mentor orientation this month with five people attended the meeting. We will have another in January.
  • We never started our 6th grade mentoring groups because I had enough mentors to match with kids. If we get any more 6th graders, we might start the group.
  • Lisa and I continue to work on the BTO policy and procedure manual when we can. We hope to have it completed by the end of the year.