Mentor Coordinator Report

Stories & Quotes To Share:
Friendship Goes Both Ways: Often mentors do nice things for their students such as bring a treat or a small gift for a special occasion, but friendship goes both ways. This week I observed students blessing their mentors with thoughtful gifts. One student brought a beautiful flower bouquet from her home garden to give her mentor. Another student brought a special mug and necklace she selected and purchased as a birthday gift for her mentor. Both adults appreciated the gifts and being remembered in such kind ways. It made me smile, too!
We Make It Work: Mentors and students look forward to meeting each week, but sometimes it’s not possible to meet in person for one reason or another. This month I have two mentors who are recovering from serious surgeries and another who is traveling out of state for an extended time. All these matches keep connecting weekly through technology: zoom and facetime meetings allow students and mentors to “see” each other and have conversations for those times when they can’t meet in person.
I’ll give it a try. When a freshman boys’ mentor was not able to continue this year, he felt disappointed, but surprised me with his willingness to meet someone new. A freshly trained mentor who shared his interest in sports and law enforcement careers seemed like a good possibility. I sent them off with a football to toss outside, but they ended up just talking in the cafeteria. With smiles all around, the student exclaimed “He’s a cool guy!” and the mentor told me “What a great kid!” It’s a match!
• October Mentor Equipping on Bullying was very well-attended with positive comments from mentors. Thank you, Tausha Caldarella!
• Area Coordinator meeting on October 14th
• New Mentor Orientation on October 24th
• Opportunity to decorate mini-pumpkins: thank you grocery outlet!
• New Merch order forms
• November Mentor Equipping (11/4-5): Jordan Feigel will present on trauma and the stress response—how mentors can support students
• Students finishing Quarter 1; winter sports starting soon
• New Merch delivered prior to Christmas break
Number of Current Matches: 74

Submitted by Reynolds –