Strengthening Communities Through Mentoring: one relationship at a time

Lynden High School–January 2020

Stories to share:

Mentors share ups and downs with students, sad times and celebrations. It’s all part of life and relationships.  I have examples of both this month.

Today a student found me, excited to share she won an award the night before. “Can you please tell my mentor?  I know she will be happy for me and I won’t see her until next week. I want to tell her today!”  Together the student and I sent a message to her mentor sharing the good news.  A little later in the day, I was able to share the mentor’s reply: “I’m sooooooo  proud of you!  You are a remarkable young woman and MANY awesome things are coming your way!  Congratulations!” 

 There has been a bit of sadness this month.  We said good-bye to an amazing mentor who lost his battle with cancer, and I had to tell his student.  It wasn’t unexpected, but still difficult.  If students have had a lot of trauma in life or have difficulty trusting others, it can be extremely hard to “lose” that trusted adult.  I’m thankful that when students have a positive experience with an adult, they know it is possible and believe it can happen again:  they develop resilience and optimism.  The young man with whom I shared the death of his mentor came back to me a few days later saying, “Well, I guess you will just have to find me another mentor.” Mentoring was a positive experience for him, and he wants to continue. 

 Mentoring Update:

  • 50 active matches; 2 more in process
  • New Mentors: New Mentor Orientation on 1/29—3 attended (female); male mentors needed
  • Mentor Equippings: 2 more sessions this school year
    • February 3/4 Understanding the Culture of Poverty (Whatcom Dream presenting)
    • March 2/3 TBA
  • Offering Youth Mental Health First Aid Classes: March 14, May 2.  Co-teaching with Brian.  Registration for Dec. 7th was not enough to offer the course, so we had to cancel.
  • Enjoying working with our colleagues at other schools. We meet each month to support each other and share ideas.
  • Continuing to work on Policies and Procedures Manual (goal to finish this school year). This is the final project to complete for our National Mentoring Standards Dedicated Partner status.


Other Activities

  • After School IMPROV started up again on January 28th after a short break.
  • Saturday School: Session on January 11th, right before finals and the end of the semester, with 60 attendees.
  • E-Sports Club on Thursdays. Four BTO mentors have been showing up each week to hang out and play games with the students as well as donate snacks.  Thank you so much!



Copies to: Ian Freeman, Michelle Nilsen, David Vanderyacht, Brian Clemmer, Annie Anderson, Jim Schmotzer