May 2020
Stories to share:
There is a student who tends to withdraw and can blend in with her surroundings to the extent she is almost invisible. One time, I popped my head into her classroom to talk to her, but she was not there. I was about to leave, but the teacher pointed to her in the corner. Not surprisingly, this student has been hard to contact during “Stay home, Stay Healthy”. Her mentor and I have tried many methods to connect with her: school email, connecting with FHS staff, snail mail and even asking a classmate if she has heard from her. Throughout this 2 month long process, her mentor has diligently sent messages, cards and care packages – with no response. Just recently, her friend told us the mentee is doing okay and doesn’t have good internet. Her mentor is still reaching out, still sending letters and care packages with fun things to do during this time.
A message from a mentee to their mentor:
“There’s been a lot going on recently….
… I love you and miss you” -Mentee
June Goals:
- Wrap up the school year
- Establish summer communication guidelines
Mentoring Update:
- 42 Active Matches
- 3 Matches talked via Zoom (2 more scheduled for June)
- Email exchanges
- Care Packages were sent to mentees (See attached photos)
Program Development
- Mentors and Mentees are currently communicating by email, Remind101, snail mail and now Zoom.
- Mentors can send cards, care packages or use professional delivery services such as food delivery or Amazon. Mentors cannot drop off packages.
- All email and Remind101 messages are sent to mentor coordinator before sending to recipient
- No email/phone contact information is exchanged between mentors/mentee
- Zoom: Mentor Coordinator acts as liaison between mentor and mentee. Coordinator schedules the meeting and is present during Zoom call.
- “Adopt a Be the One Senior” (See attached photos)
- Permission from parents via phone or email
- 3 out of 4 of our Be the One Seniors are being recognized.
- 9 mentors signed up to adopt a BTO Senior! Some adopted multiple mentees.
- Be the One mentors and Partners for Schools volunteers signed up to support one of our seniors. Between May 11-June 6th (the original graduation day), these seniors will receive care packages from the volunteers who “adopted” them.
- Seniors are missing Spring sports/concerts/drama productions, Prom, and graduation, in the traditional sense. We want to show that we care about them.
- Idea was proposed by BTO Mentor based on the “Adopt a High School Student” Facebook page