Strengthening Communities Through Mentoring: one relationship at a time

Ferndale High School, December 2019

Stories to share:

“A mentee was not available to attend the Be the One Pizza Party at Ferndale High School. Her mentor still wanted to celebrate with her, so they enjoyed a mini pizza together that week. Be the One mentors find opportunities to celebrate with their mentees.”

“Every year, one of our BTO mentors has a seasonal job around the holidays. During this time, she can’t meet with her mentee. They celebrated the holidays before Thanksgiving and the mentor and mentee have been keeping in touch via the mentor coordinator. Both the mentor and mentee are looking forward to January so they can start meeting weekly again.

Mentors enjoy supporting students who are involved with school activities! This month there were many seasonal concerts performed by the FHS orquestra, band and chior. Two mentors heard about the performances and watched their mentees perform. The mentees were so excited to have them in the audience!


Many mentors and mentees decide to celebrate the holiday season together. One mentor and mentee made a gingerbread house together. Many others gave each other gifts. A WWU graduate who majored in art made her mentee stickers that reflect their time together. Mentors and mentees have fun together and enjoy precious moments!

December Goals:

  • Onboard 6 new mentors – 3 mentors ready to start in January,  4 have just started the process
  • 34 matches – Currently have 32 matches. 

January Goals:

  • Start 5 new matches – We need more mentors (17 girls/7 boys waiting for a mentor)
  • 36 matches – Need 4 new matches every month to reach 50 matches by June

Mentoring Update:

  • 32 Active Matches
  • 3 mentors (2 male; 1 female) in the waiting pool – 8 more onboarding
  • 11 mentees (2 male; 7 female) in waiting pool – 15 more onboarding (mostly girls)
  • New Mentor Orientations: 9 people attended this month- 8 continuing on to be a mentor

Other Activities

  • BTO Coordinator meeting – November 12th. Hosted in Lynden.
  • Be the One Pizza Party – December 19th from 2:30-4:30pm in the FHS Cafeteria
  • Planned by a BTO mentor and mentee
  • All 32 mentors and 32 mentees were invited to play games and eat pizza
  • 37 attended – 19 mentors and 16 mentees
  • Please thank Westside Pizza, Little Caesar’s and Dominos for donating pizzas!

Program Development

  • Mentors and Mentees received their Be the One shirts.
  • New Mentor Orientations Scheduled:  January 10th 10-12pm, January 28th 1-3pm

Big Goal: 50 active matches by end of the school year!


Submitted by Annie Anderson

To Partners for Schools board members via Nancy Mcharness

Copies to: Community Engagement team via Scott and Anita Locker, FHS Principals Jeremy Vincent & David Rodriguez, and BTO Coordinators Lisa Reynolds, Brian Clemmer, & Jim Schmotzer