Strengthening Communities Through Mentoring: one relationship at a time

Expectations and Mentoring

This month, we’ve been talking about expectations and mentoring. With the new year just around the corner, this is a great opportunity for you as a mentor to establish some healthy expectations for 2020. Here are a handful of questions to help you process your mentoring experience in 2019 as you look ahead to 2020.
  • As you reflect back on 2019, what were some expectations that hurt your experience as a mentor?
  • What were some expectations that were helpful?
  • How did you grow as a mentor in 2019?
  • Based on that, what are some healthy expectations for yourself as a mentor in 2020?
  • How did your student grow in 2019?
  • What changes (if any) did you notice in their attitude and behavior?
  • Based on that, what are some realistic expectations you might have for your mentee in 2020?
As 2019 winds down, we want to say THANK YOU for your commitment to mentoring students! We know that mentoring is full of highs and lows. Our desire with the Mentoring Minute is to come alongside you and give you tools for helping your students learn and grow through those rhythms of everyday life. If you have any suggestions or topics that you would like us to cover in 2020, we would love to hear from you!
Happy New Year!
–Jason Matthews, BTO Mentor Coach