Strengthening Communities Through Mentoring: one relationship at a time

BTO Stories

Mentoring Positively Impacts A Student’s Life, And Yours.

“Someone Willing To Care, Willing To Listen, Who They Can Trust – That’s Really What Being A Mentor Is All About.”

Jason knew that having a mentor would make a difference in the lives of his own children so he decided he could give one hour a week to another student.  What he discovered was that something as simple as a basketball and a hoop can sometimes be the biggest game changer.

“Growing Up Having Someone  To Listen Would Have Been So Amazing. I Wanted To Be That Person For Someone.”

Sharon is a mother and works full time in Banking but she knew she could still give one hour a week to a student.  The relationship that developed over the years became one that has changed the live of both of them.

“If I Didn’t Have Her I Wouldn’t Be As Outgoing And Happy As I Am Now.”

After losing her mother to breast cancer four days after her 13th birthday, Tori jumped at the opportunity to have a Mentor for extra support.  She met Connie early in her freshman year, and they have been together ever since.

“If It Weren’t For My Mentor, I Wouldn’t Be The Person I Am Today.”

Before Aranza had a mentor, she felt alone and empty. But now, Aranza has chance to be heard, the opportunity to grow and a place to belong.

“Having Denny As My Mentor Has Completely Changed My Life.”

Alex found himself a deep hole and had little hope for a better life. He and his friends were into drugs and skipped school often. When asked if he wanted a mentor he thought, “finally”. As the result of having dedicated and caring mentors, Alex has now graduated and is going to college with hope for a brighter future.

“After Only 6 Weeks With My Mentor I Am Now On Track To Graduate With My Class.”

Cheyenne never knew her dad and her relationship with her mom was in a downward spiral. Hanging out with the wrong kinds of people, skipping curfew, and getting picked up by the police all were leading her down the wrong path. She was planning on dropping out but with her mentor’s care and interest she got back on track to graduate with her class.

“It Is A Different Relationship Than With A Teacher… ”

Tara is a student striving to be her best in high school. She is extremely involved with many clubs and very focused on going to a university.  Her parents are amazing but she needed a little something extra to get guidance in applying for scholarships and colleges. Her mentor has been a constant support to Tara achieving her goals.

“Now That I Have A Mentor I Just Feel Like I Have Someone Who Will Always Be There And Care About Me And The Decisions I Make.”

Sky was having a hard time focusing in school and staying motivated to get her work done.  She hadn’t given much thought to her future but because of her mentor’s influence, she applied herself to strive toward the goals she knew would make her life better. Having a mentor has helped her reach for things she didn’t realize she wanted.

“J.T. Is Going To Graduate With Life Skills. That’s The Most Important Thing For A Kid.”

As a scared freshman kid, J.T. wanted a man in his life to help him be a man. Phil has provided that direction by being a friend and giving him some tough love. Phil is committed to working alongside JT to equip him with the life skills he needs not just to graduate from high school but to succeed in life. To Phil that’s the most important thing for a kid to have.