August – September 2021
Stories & snippets
- A mentor called me to tell me his mentee (graduated June 2021) called to tell him they had gotten into the nursing program at Bellingham Technical. Good news travels fast.
- A high school student messaged me five minutes before time to start a virtual meeting saying they did not feel like meeting. The mentor was already in a meeting waiting room. I opened the room for the mentor and discussed the situation. I then made my way to check-in with the student (in a classroom, the furthest possible distance from my office). We discussed the situation, and it appeared the student was struggling and not in a mood to meet. I gave a gentle opportunity nudge and we agreed to a meeting next week. It’s tough to work to set meetings and feel like things get derailed, but more important for us to be there for students, supporting, even at times we don’t fully understand.
- Later that day I was prepping for another match meeting. A minute of two before connecting the video call our school internet went down. Phones and computers were out. I realized the mentor might be in the meeting waiting room. Fortunately, I was able to message via my cell and let them know a glitch had overruled our plans for the day. About a half hour later we were able to connect and make plans for next week.
Fall focus:
- Restarting matches – while we were hoping to return to live, on campus match meetings we have restarted virtually (ZOOM). While this in not what we were hoping we are glad to have the alternative option!
- Updating mentors volunteer clearances
- Onboarded one new mentor
- Met with area coordinators
Looking ahead:
- Moving back to on campus meetings, reconnecting existing matches
- Continuing virtual meeting to allow for special circumstances
- Recruiting and onboarding new mentors